Damned Souls 2020

First gig in 2020 with the new line up will be January the 25th in Magdeburg at ClubHouse Party of the awesome Damned Souls – Heavy Metal Club. We rehearsal like insane to deliver a tite performance.

There will be just we and Damned Souls asked us to play two times of approx. 30 min. at these evening. Thanks for the pushing pressure guys this drives us motivated to play our ass off.

Horns up and big shout to Damned Souls-HMC. \m/

New Set of Songs for 2020

We are happy to announce our set list of songs for upcoming live shows growes up. It will contain new and old songs we realy missed to play for a long time. Like our favorit cover song from Impetigo. So look forward to see Trojaner next on stage in new shape.


New Linup 2019

Cheers folks, fall 2018 we was faced by the situation our drumer Marco has left the band. We respect his decision and wish him all the best for his next projects.

So we drooped in non possibility to play live till get a replacement. We are happy to announce we got a new position on drums with long time buddy Hanjo. He is well known by his own band Skeleton Dance Club, KBR and other activities.

Rehearsal action with Hanjo

Since April we have done some rehearsal with him and he fits the bill just perfect. Currently we have just a half set of songs in but its sounds awesome and we can not wait to get on stage with our current line up.

Say all welcome to our new drumer Hanjo and look forward to our up coming shows with him.

Happy New Year 2019

Wir wünschen Euch Allen ein gesundes Neues Jahr und freuen uns auf 2019 mit 20 Jahre Trojaner Jubiläum.

We wish ya all a Happy New Year and looking forward to 2019 with 20th anniversary of Trojaner.

From Hell … Awaits You

Update: Wie schon auf Facebook gesagt werden wir nicht am 24. November spielen. Wir sehen uns 2019 wieder auf der Bühne.

Update: As already mentioned on Facebook, we will not play for the show in 24th of November. We looking forward back on stage 2019.


Be prepared for another hell injection…

Since 17 Years the Butthairs still burning, neverless  Marlis is getting older dude….



Damned Days 2018

Das Damned Days Festival 2018 in Barleben wird dieses Jahr für uns das zweite Festival in diesem Sommer und das auch am gleichen Wochenende. Wir tanzen  sozusagen auf zwei Hochzeiten, oder soll ich lieber sagen spielen? 

 Grüße und Horn Up’s an den Damned Souls Heavy Metal Club e.V.

Hier auch die Running Order:

Freitag der 13.

19:30-20:00 Cockrock Petus Pennytration
20:20-21:00 In Demoni
21:20-22:10 Gebrechlichkeit
22:30-23:30 Hangatyr

Samstag der 14.

16:00-18:00 HMC Gladiatorenkämpfe (Clubspiele)
19:00-20:00 Till Burgwächter (Buchvorlesung)
20:30-21:10 Trojaner
21:30-22:15 Convictive
22:35-23:35 Crossplane

Wir freuen uns auf das kommende Wochenende.




M U R 2018 – Metal Underground Resistance Open Air Vol 3

Moin Moin Leute …. Whats up folks?

Wir eröffnen in diesem Jahr das M.U.R. Open Air in Königsee.

Hail and Horns Up to Metalstammtisch Königsee e.V.

Unten das gesamte Set vom Festival. Leider können wir den 2. Tag nicht miterleben da wir am 14. schon wieder in Barleben zum „Damned Days“ auf der Bühne  stehen. 

Freitag der 13.

19:00 – 19:30 Trojaner
19:50 – 20:20 Ammyt
20:40 – 21:20 Fallen Icon
21:40 – 22:20 Ruins Since Fall
22:40 – 23:20 Epidemic Scorn
23:40 – Ende Indorsia

Samstag der 14.

13:00 – 14:00 Dice 13
16:00 – 16:40 Dawn of the Unleashed
17:00 – 17:40 Infected Authoritah
18:00 – 18:40 Devastator
19:00 – 19:40 Ka-tet
20:00 – 20:40 Comaniac
21:00 – 21:40 The Flesh Trading Company